Jurnal Janitra Informatika dan Sistem Informasi (e-ISSN: 2775-9490) is a peer-reviewed national journal that aims to bring together research work in the area of information and communication technology, information system, multimedia system, and computational intelligence, including theories, methods, tools, technologies, applications, and so on. The Journal stresses on academic excellence, research rigidity, knowledge distribution, and reciprocated scholarly efforts in order to endorse theoretical, experimental, and practical research. The Journal is published by the Indonesian Scientific Journal (Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia). Accepted paper will be available online (free access), and there will be no publication fee.

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Janitra Informatika dan Sistem Informasi

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Published: 2024-05-21

Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Penjualan Pada Rumah Makan "Jeng Tin" Menggunakan Database MySQL

Sri Esti Trisno Sami, Suvi Rahmawati, Andri Prasetyo, Candra Cahyono


Evaluasi Pengalaman Pengguna Pada Website 6 Adventure Menggunakan Metode Usability Testing

Ikbal Adi Putra, Husen Muzaki, Widya Kurniawati, Dian Saputra, Pramudya Akbar Zoelva, Angga Aditya Vannie, Ahmad Tri Hidayat


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